Plant Reliability Solutions for

Tire Industry

Perform equipment fault diagnosis and resolution to minimize unplanned downtime across all production lines. Boost operational efficiency and plant productivity.


Tire manufacturing plants face challenging production conditions, with high temperatures, humidity, and by-products posing a threat to asset reliability. Meeting the demand for top-notch products at competitive prices necessitates undisrupted production and maximum plant uptime. Plant reliability and the availability of mission-critical assets play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

Inefficient maintenance strategies can lead to sudden machine failures, unplanned downtime, reduced productivity, and subsequent financial setbacks. Adopting a Predictive Maintenance model offers a transformative solution, enabling sustainable achievement of plant reliability objectives. By proactively identifying and addressing maintenance needs, tire manufacturing plants can optimize production, improve productivity, and maintain a competitive edge in the global market.



Intensive mixer used in tire manufacturing to blend rubber compounds efficiently.

Duplex Hold Mill Gearbox

Powers tire mill machinery, optimizing rubber processing and compounding.

Cushion Calendar

Shapes and calenders tire components to precise thickness and texture.


Forms continuous tire tread and sidewall profiles by extruding rubber through a die.

Pork Chop Motor

Drives tire curing presses, crucial for shaping and vulcanizing tire components.


Blends and compounds rubber and additives to create tire compounds with desired properties.


Presses and shapes tire components during manufacturing processes.


Precisely trims and separates tire components to achieve desired tire dimensions and designs.

Digital Reliability for Next-Gen Tyre and Rubber Plants

Tire and rubber manufacturers face challenges due to insufficient data when devising responsive maintenance strategies. Adopting a cloud-enabled digital reliability approach allows for better monitoring of critical assets to optimize production. A global tire manufacturer increased production uptime by 84 hours through the implementation of plant reliability solutions.

Emphasize machine health to drastically decrease unplanned process downtimes and machine failures using cutting-edge industrial maintenance services tailored for tire and rubber plants. Achieve plant reliability objectives through advanced predictive analytics for tire and rubber production.


Increase Plant Uptime

Prevent unplanned downtime through a cloud-enabled predictive maintenance strategy. Monitor asset performance in real-time from remote locations to plan maintenance events with minimal disruption to plant operations and total output.


Avoid Machine Malfunctions

Prolong equipment life and enhance Overall Equipment Effectiveness through real-time condition monitoring and auto-diagnostics solutions. Strategically plan corrective actions guided by digital reliability insights to proactively prevent machine malfunctions or breakdowns.


Safe and Productive Workplace

Implement auto-diagnostics with minimal human intervention and zero disruption to production lines. Empower plant maintenance teams to efficiently allocate resources for asset upkeep and schedule maintenance events to optimize plant productivity.


A new way to digitize you assets.

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